General cleaning of interior of dust and debris. Visual inspection
of speakers, reverb tank, and external wiring. Complete bench testing of
electronics to analyze performance, locate and replace any defective parts,
make any calabration adjustments, and perform electronics maintenance.
All units are subjected to a period of stress testing and play testing
after being reassembled.
Ampeg B-12, B-15, and B-18 Modified for
deeper Low End at higher Volume.
Slap Bass Mods for Ampeg B-25, V-4B, SVT, Marshall 50, 100, & 200
watts, Fender 400 PS, 300 PS, and 135 &
100 watt model Bassman & Dual Showman Heads.

Power Mods to trick up Fender
amps up to 200 watts RMS -Real-estate permitting.
Tweed and Black Face Conversions for the later model
Fender Amplifiers.
Plexi & Early Metal Face Conversions for later model Marshall Amplifiers.
Master Volume - Many types to satisfy system requirements .
Effects Loops - Installed & modified. Buffer stages with send and
return level controls are used for maximum performance.
Foot Switching - For switching channels, tone shifts, effects loops,
and multi-amp switching.
EQ Broad-Banding - This Opens Up the amplifier to produce more lows
& highs.
Gain Mods - Adds sustain through compression of the signal in the amplifier.
System Voicing - The unifying of the total system: the mic, string,
pickup, instrument electronics, box or rack effects, amplifier electronics,
loop effects, horn and/or speaker, and enclosure are tuned for the optimum
in performance.

80% of OUR Mods on vintage amplifiers require No
Drilling of additional holes and
Relocating of Any Controls or Jacks on the front panel. Everything
goes back to stock with the snap of a switch located on the back in an
existing hole.
Amplifiers modified elsewhere can be
to original factory designs.

Many very old Vintage Ampeg,
Fender Tweeds, early '60s
Fender, Fender pre-C, Gibson
Marshall JMP ,
etc... amplifiers purshased on Ebay are brought back to life again.
Amplifier Construction (e.g.- Guitar,
Bass, Harp, Pedal Steel & Keyboards).
Computer Designed Speaker Cabinets for the Maximum in Performance.
The upgrading & tweeking of Leslie Speaker Systems for Guitar &
Instrument Sensitivity Matching - For maximum response to the Touch
and/or Stomp Boxes.
Rack Mount Pre-Amps Constructed for driving
power amps from 5 Hz to 20 Khz.
Power Conversions - 100 Watts down to 10 Watts for recording off 10
Watt Speakers Without the Use of Power Attenuators or Load Boxes.
1960's "Oldies" & "Power Trio" Sound Signatures for Guitar, Bass,
& Keyboards.
Special Analog Effects Boxes designed and constructed.

All Custom Work done on a One-On-One basis.
© Copyright R.K.Koerner 1997-2013 All Rights Reserved.